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Dental enamel protective treatment

Tooth Mousse dental enamel protective treatment

Tooth Mousse dental enamel protective treatment

Dental caries is caused by the acids produced by the residual bacteria in the course of consuming acidic, sugary foods and beverages. These acids dissolve the calcium and phosphate ions from the dental enamel. When this process becomes unbalanced or when the acid-producing bacteria proliferate due to inadequate oral hygiene, we talk about dental caries. This dental enamel protection treatment is equally suitable for children and adults.

During the procedure we restore the calcium and phosphate ions dissolved, as well as replenish the mineral substances lost. In addition, it also reduces the sensitivity of the teeth, increases the production of saliva, which is significant both for treating xerosis (dry mouth) and protection of the teeth. The treatment has an immediate effect, I recommend it also as a complement to dental hygiene treatment.


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